Two months into the job

2013.11.10. 22:08 H.And

Nine months, 30 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and ticking. It shouldn't feel better and it certainly is not better. Yet, as my life is threatened day by day, I have found purpose.

And now I also understand that this was the cheapest experiment ever: To rid myself from the excesses and covets of modern life and descend into the primitive. To give up all and sink to the comforts of basic survival instincts. Frying my brain, an expression I use to justify my longing for watching endless TV shows to block my thoughts, has become my raison d'etre. I am now frying my brain every second of my life.

Living here is free from the burden of choices. No matter how lonely, sad and unmotivated I am, this power I cannot ignore. 

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